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Weather Wars: 7 Day Forecast Battle
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Lee C. -- -- -- -- -- -- --
John Y. -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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Storms lining up for this evening....

By John Y. On Monday, September 10, 2007 At 2:58 PM
Heavy rainfall associated with slow moving thunderstorms will be possible over the next several hours as a wave of low pressure moves up a nearly stationary front and spreads moisture over the extremely humid air mass in place (Gabriel left behind very high dew points when it departed).

Although a widespread severe weather event is not anticipated, a couple of damaging wind reports are possible. The heavy rainfall, in some of the heavier cells though will be the main threat. Hopefully we can get some rain from this system...

Radar does not look too impressive right now, but by this evening, heavy thunderstorms will blanket the area...

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